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Start all your claims in one place
Finally, one easy form to start an investigation for all your carriers.
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Manage your delivery issues

Start an investigation in less then a minute
Your Customer Success team is now able to resolve any complaint while also being in control of delivery issues. Your agents don’t need to worry about following up on the claim processes for endless time anymore and can focus where they are the best: taking care of their customers!
One process for all carriers
Each carrier has a unique process. You need to upload different documents at different portals with diferrent SLA's. Complex. Our software has simplified it to one form for all carriers.
All the claims in one overview
Be in control of your delivery issues through one platform. All your claim resolutions and investigations that require your attention in one overview.
Start an investigation in less then a minuteEasily enabled for all your carriers
Your Customer Success team is now able to resolve any complaint while also being in control of delivery issues. Your agents don’t need to worry about following up on the claim processes for endless time anymore and can focus where they are the best: taking care of their customers!To analyze and claim for your delivery issues, we need a little information, such as your carrier credentials or invoices. Thanks to our platform, it only takes a few minutes to share this information and update them at any moment
One process for all carriersYour claims automated from start to finish
Each carrier has a unique process. You need to upload different documents at different portals with diferrent SLA's. Complex. Our software has simplified it to one form for all carriers.Be in control of your delivery issues through one platform. All your claim resolutions and investigations that require your attention in one overview.We understand that your business might not have all the resources to completely automate the process. Therefore, Lox supports both API and a manual process to be in control of your delivery issues.
All the claims in one overviewAPI and manual processes supported
Be in control of your delivery issues through one platform. All your claim resolutions and investigations that require your attention in one overview.We understand that your business might not have all the resources to completely automate the process. Therefore, Lox supports both API and a manual process to be in control of your delivery issues.
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